Resolving Energy Concerns

Keep Things Clean: Four Reasons You Need to Maintain Your Grease Traps and Sewer Lines

When it comes to your restaurant, there's one aspect that you can't afford to ignore, and that's your grease trap. It might not seem like much, but your grease trap is an essential part of the restaurant kitchen. If it's got problems, you've got problems. Unfortunately, the problems associated with a dirty grease trap can undermine the success of your restaurant. Here are just four of the reasons you need to have your sewer and grease trap cleaned on a regular basis.

Reduce Emergency Plumbing Costs

If your grease trap is dirty, you're going to be dealing with a lot of plumbing problems, especially if the excess grease finds its way into your sewer lines. Unfortunately, emergency plumbing problems turn into costly repairs. First, because they can force you to shut down your restaurant during the repairs. Second, because your plumber will have to charge you for the emergency services. Finally, emergency plumbing problems often involve more extensive repair needs, which include additional costs. You can reduce those emergency costs by keeping your sewer and grease trap clean.

Avoid Costly Health Code Violations

If you've got problems with dirty grease traps, you may not pass your next health inspection, which can spell disaster for a restaurant. Even if the violations don't shut down your restaurant, they can still result in a reduced cleanliness score, which can cause its own problems for your restaurant. The last thing you want is to lose customers due to health code violations, especially when they can be avoided with the right sewer and grease trap maintenance.

Alleviate Noxious Odors in Your Restaurant

When you run a restaurant, you want the dining room to smell clean and fresh. Noxious odors, such as those coming from a dirty grease trap, will send customers running for the doors. The odors can get even worse when you add dirty sewer lines to the mix. Ensure a fresh-scented dining experience for your patrons by maintaining clean and sanitary grease traps and sewer lines.

Provide Your Employees with a Safe Work Environment

Your employees depend on you for a healthy and safe work environment. If the grease traps are dirty, your workplace isn't as safe as it should be. Excess grease can seep up from the traps, creating a slip and fall hazard for your employees. Not to mention the bacteria that's being emitted into the air that your employees are breathing in on a daily basis. Provide your employees with a safe work environment by ensuring that your grease traps and sewer lines are clean.

Contact a sewer cleaning company, such as Tierra Environmental & Industrial Services, to have your grease trap and sewers cleaned today. 
