3 Types Of Information You Can Learn From A Petrographic Inspection Service

A petrographic inspection is designed to provide you with a structural analysis regarding the conditions of concrete structures. It is used on concrete structures such as buildings and bridges. A petrographic inspection can provide you with a range of different information. 1. Air Content & Distribution  When concrete is poured, there are often small air bubbles included in the concrete. These tiny air bubbles are designed to help protect the concrete against damage from the freeze-thaw cycles. [Read More]

Signs Your Sewer Line Should Be Cleaned More Often

You might know that having your sewer line cleaned every couple of years is a good idea so that you can keep the sewage moving through like it's supposed to. Right now, you might go off of the basic recommendation that your sewer repair and maintenance company gave you. Some families need to have their sewer lines cleaned more often than what is generally recommended, though, such as in the cases that are outlined below. [Read More]

Toilet Backing Up? Why You Need Professional Help

There is bound to be a time when your toilet gets clogged and overflows onto the floor as it is flushed. This is different than having sewage backing up into the toilet on its own. If you are sitting in the other room and hear the toilet gurgling and then see water slowing down the hall, you have a major plumbing problem. While a clog can usually be handled with a plunger, a backup is almost always going to require professional toilet backup repair services. [Read More]

4 Household Hazardous Waste & Chemical Rules Every Person Should Know

When most people think about hazardous waste and chemicals, the things that come to mind are associated with large corporations and industrial facilities. However, hazardous chemicals and toxic waste is just as much something to be mindful of at home as it is in any other setting. In fact, the EPA has a designated acronym for household hazardous waste because it deserves the proper recognition: HHW. Take a look at a few rules to remember at home where HHW and household toxic chemicals and concerned. [Read More]