Keep Things Clean: Four Reasons You Need to Maintain Your Grease Traps and Sewer Lines

When it comes to your restaurant, there's one aspect that you can't afford to ignore, and that's your grease trap. It might not seem like much, but your grease trap is an essential part of the restaurant kitchen. If it's got problems, you've got problems. Unfortunately, the problems associated with a dirty grease trap can undermine the success of your restaurant. Here are just four of the reasons you need to have your sewer and grease trap cleaned on a regular basis. [Read More]

3 Ways To Simplify Recycling Processes With Rented Dumpsters

For the most part, business owners rent dumpsters to house the general waste that results from everyday processes at their company. However, renting a dumpster is not something that should be done only when you need a place to house general waste. Renting large receptacles is actually a good way to simplify recycling processes and reduce the large amount of waste that can come from your place of business. Take a look at some of the ways you can simplify your business recycling processes by renting additional dumpsters beyond your usual trash receptacle. [Read More]